• Daughter trades her kidney for one dad needs

    Meredith Sarver wanted to donate a kidney to her father, Glen Kliewer. Their blood types didn’t match, so she couldn’t. But that wasn’t the end of the story. When they traveled to Research Medical Center in Kansas City for testing, they learned about a paired donation program.

  • Environment a victim in wreck

    A collision between a semi and a tractor Tuesday on K-15 five miles north of Hillsboro sent both drivers to hospitals and required extensive cleanup of fluids and corn that spilled from the truck. According to Kansas Highway Patrol, a southbound 2007 Kenworth semi driven by Myrta M. Lopez, 39, Wichita, was passing a tractor driven by Kyson L. Gawith, 15, Hillsboro, when the tractor started to turn left at a residence.

  • Deputy looks for crash, finds his own

    Deputy Clayton J. Philpott, 26, Peabody, was looking for a wreck July 17, when he wrecked his 2018 Dodge Durango cruiser instead. Philpott was dispatched to an accident in which a pickup had hit a cow, reportedly blocking Nighthawk. The accident actually was on 160th Rd. half a mile east of Nighthawk.

  • Lake campers gaming the system

    An Abilene couple appear to have found a way to “game the system” of camping rules at the county lake. “I am wondering if anyone is aware of the camping situation at the county lake,” frequent camper Arlene Stitka told county commissioners Monday. “One couple in particular from out-of-county use two campers and come in under two names and trade out the campers.”

  • Cost of school supplies a math problem

    The cost of education has gotten very high. That’s what’s driving so many students to community colleges instead of universities.

  • Evicted abuse victim jailed after drive-thru standoff

    A brief but tense standoff Saturday afternoon in the drive-thru lane at Wendy’s in Hillsboro led to the jailing of a 39-year-old women who had fled domestic violence in Oklahoma, was evicted Friday from a Kansas shelter for drinking, and now is facing multiple charges including child endangerment. Workers at the drive-thru notified dispatchers at 1:55 p.m. Saturday that the woman had driven up drunk with three young children in her car.


  • County continues to ponder limits on 30x30 program

    Commissioners took a second look at a draft of a proposed anti-30x30 program resolution they first saw a week before. They suggested some changes and once again sent it back for county counsel Brad Jantz to revise.

  • Peabody down to 1 cop

    Medina Sulejmani, the last Peabody police officer who worked under former Police Chief Travis Wilson, gave new Police Chief Phillip Crom her letter of resignation Monday. Her final day will be Aug. 5. She has accepted a job with Park City’s police department.

  • Schools, rec, half of towns may raise taxes

    Every school district in Marion County has notified the county that it intends to increase its tax levy. So has every recreation commission except Goessel’s, half the towns, three fire districts, three watersheds, and Chisholm Trail Extension District.

  • Wreck ties up traffic, leads to arrest

    A Hillsboro woman was arrested Thursday after she drove into the path of an oncoming pickup pulling a trailer. The accident, which tied up traffic on US-50 for nearly 2½ hours, happened just north of Peabody at the intersection of Nighthawk Rd. and US-50.

  • School district still waits on cause of team bus fire

    Marion schools still are awaiting results of an investigation results on why the bus carrying football team members burst into flames July 12. Superintendent Justin Wasmuth said the engine could be smelled overheating a few miles from a rest area on I-135.

  • Centre approves 2% raise

    Centre School District employees will receive a 2% raise next year. The school board voted last week to agree to a negotiated contract that also will add $450 for certified teachers who cannot advance on the district’s pay scale.





  • It's time to tax our brains a bit

    Budget season is one of the most confusing times for citizens who want — as all of us should — to become more involved in what government does on our behalf. Most of us worry about big bills we must pay for property taxes and are more than happy when local governmental units stick to so-called revenue-neutral rates.

  • Opening up about open meetings

    Investigation of the illegal raid on our newsroom and two homes isn’t the only thing the state has been dragging its feet on. The attorney general’s office notified us last week — a year after our initial complaint — that it still was investigating whether Marion City Council members violated the Open Meetings Act in July of last year.


    Take me out to the ballgame

    Conserve or control?, What to regulate


  • New pastor brings international view

    David Manyara, who became pastor at Marion’s Eastmoor United Methodist Church in June, grew up in rural Kenya and graduated from St. Paul’s University – Kenya with a bachelor’s degree in 2008. He became a full-time minister with the Methodist church in Kenya and was ordained in 2011.

  • Emergency manager certified nationally

    In the 17 months since Marcy Hostetler was hired as emergency manager, she’s learned a lot — but circumstances made her hit the ground running. Hostetler was on the job two weeks when the COVID-19 pandemic was declared a disaster. Her emergency management duties became disaster management duties in that short of a time.

  • Winkler speaks to food bank representatives

    Gene Winkler of Marion spoke about the transition of Marion County Food Bank from a room at Valley United Methodist Church to a new building on Main St. at a meeting last week in Garden City. The meeting, sponsored by Sunflower Foundation and Kansas Food Bank, was attended by representatives of food banks in 31 counties.

  • Fire departments' scholarships announced

    Arianna Wilson from Peabody’s fire district and Ella Mackey from Florence’s fire district are this year’s winners of Marion County Fire Chiefs Association Scholarships. They were selected from 20 applicants county-wide for $1,000 scholarships.

  • Senior center menus


    15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 110, 145 years ago


  • In defeat, there can be victory

    CVL Stars, composed of area ballplayers age 10 and younger, made it to the championship game Sunday of the state Cal Ripken tournament in Hillsboro. At stake was a trip to Denver to represent Kansas in a regional tournament.


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