• Last modified 232 days ago (July 24, 2024)


What to regulate

To the editor:

I just received my latest edition of your wonderful newspaper with today’s mail.

I must point out a flaw in Paul White’s letter to the editor.

As a registered Libertarian, I am never a fan of larger government, but I do believe that it is in the best interest of the citizens that the city become involved with and work with mobile food trucks.

The city should worry about public safety, noise, effects on traffic and pedestrian flow, state permits, health, lighting, etc. 

Are these trucks deemed safe by the state for operating on public roadways? Are they deemed to be sanitarily safe to dispense food? Are they complying with minimum wage?

When and where they set up shop, are they affecting the flow of traffic? Does their high profile cause blind spots for autos or, more important, pedestrians? 

Too close to an existing structure puts both businesses at risk during a fire or earthquake. Not having a defensible space between businesses puts first responders in an even more dangerous position than they need to be in. 

Are these mobile food trucks paying taxes into the proper Marion agencies?

I sure do love my newfound town.

Greg Bashed
Lancaster, California

Last modified July 24, 2024