• Last modified 121 days ago (June 27, 2024)


july 9, 1914

On Wednesday, July 15th, a party of moving picture men will be here to take some pictures of the town.

The National Old Trails Association is taking pictures along the whole route for use in raising funds and exploiting the route.

They will be here at half past nine in the morning and stay an hour. Town folks and country folks are asked to be on Main St. with their cars.

Fred Griffiths is having a sleeping porch added to his residence.

A real old-fashioned medicine man held forth on the street corner Monday — one of those rare birds with a Punch and Judy show and medicine that is “guaranteed” to cure everything from sore feet to a mean disposition.

That tired feeling, that dark brown taste, that dull headache — all came in for the usual share of attention. And he gathered in a few simoleons.

H.M. Thorp says, “A sucker is born every minute.”

Advertisement — Special for Friday and Saturday: Large package of Post Toasties for 10 cents at Griffith & Sons.

The county commissioners have acted favorably upon a proposition to erect permanent markers along the Old Santa Fe Trail through this county — the proposition as outlined in the Record several weeks ago. A delegation of businessmen presented the matter to them yesterday.

Last modified June 27, 2024