• Last modified 199 days ago (July 31, 2024)


Program will mark raid’s anniversary

A free program honoring the memory of Joan Meyer and observing the first anniversary of police raids on the Record newsroom and two homes is planned for 2 p.m. Aug. 11 at Marion Senior Center.

The Sunday program will include a screening of the award-winning Wichita Eagle documentary, “Unwarranted: The Senseless Death of Journalist Joan Meyer.”

Documentary producer Jaime Green, visuals editor of the Eagle, will be available to answer questions.

Wichita folk singer-songwriter Emily Judson will perform her original song, “Joan,” written in the aftermath of the raids.

A panel will discuss implications of the raid.

Panelists will include Emily Bradbury, executive director of the Kansas Press Association; attorney Max Kautsch, president of the Kansas Coalition for Open Government; Sherman Smith, editor of the Kansas Reflector online news service; and Paul Green, a lecturer in journalism at Kansas Wesleyan University.

Findings of a study conducted by University of Kansas journalism professor Stephen Wohlgast to assess implications of the raid also will be presented.

Record staff members and others involved in legal cases in the aftermath of the raid will be available to answer questions.

Light refreshments will be served.

The senior center is at 309 S. 3rd St., Marion.

Reservations are not required, However, RSVPs to would be appreciated.

Last modified July 31, 2024