• Last modified 43 days ago (Jan. 30, 2025)


Lake security

To the editor:

Why is the reputation of the news media often bad? Seems to have affected the Marion County Record as well. Phyllis Zorn’s article, “Camper frets about security” in last week’s newspaper, is filled with so many misleading statements written so as to deceive the reader.

Had she interviewed me, she would have gotten my perspective on my concerns about security at the county lake. Apparently, Zorn’s goal is character assassination instead of truth-seeking.

I have spoken to lake manager Isaac Hett on numerous occasions about my concerns. At the Jan. 21 county commission meeting I suggested the need for security cameras at the lake. Did Zorn bother to mention that in her article?

If the assumption is by certain individuals that these couples are working a day job, but without any known certainty, how is that different than me assuming the couples may be homeless? I base my assumption on past experience.

Perhaps an eye-opening experience for those who live in a perceived bubble of security is needed for Marion. Would an established homeless population in Marion be to everyone’s liking? Crimes tend to follow with homelessness. Check out Wichita’s issues with their homeless population.

Since the Record’s forte doesn’t seem to be fair and truthful reporting, perhaps there lies the reason why people remain silent instead of speaking up.

Arlene Stika

Editor’s note: Upon learning of the writer’s concerns, the Record reviewed a recording of the meeting at

The only potential inaccuracy was whether Stika expressed unhappiness with the sheriff’s department’s response to her report of non-campers showering at a camping facility at the lake.

She said that the non-campers had had been there for more than an hour, but sheriff’s deputies did not arrive until 10 minutes after they left. She did not, however, specifically say she was unhappy with that response.

All other aspects of the article appear to accurately reflect what she said at the meeting and what lake manager Isaac Hett said in response after the meeting. s

Last modified Jan. 30, 2025