• Last modified 666 days ago (May 18, 2023)


Filing deadline for elections approaches

Staff writer

Deadline for filing to serve on public boards across the county is noon June 1.

As of Monday, former judge Mike Powers was the only person who officially had expressed interest in being mayor of Marion.

Powers served as chief judge of the 8th Judicial District, which covers Marion, Dickinson, Geary, and Morris counties. He retired in 2021. He has been a regular face at recent city council meetings, a common practice among people toying with the idea of running for office in Marion.

Three people had filed for two open positions on the Marion city council: Timothy Baxa, Ruth Herbel, and Amy M. Smith. Herbel is vice mayor.

Mayor David Mayfield; his wife, Jami; Kathern Swan; Margaret Wilson; Morgan Makovec Looney; and Marion electric supervisor Steve Hart attempted to recall Herbel. However, they never turned in a petition to do so to county clerk Tina Spencer. A recall election would have required 201 signatures on the petition.

Kevin Burkholder, who joined the council when Chris Costello resigned due to health reasons, has filed for that unexpired term.

Filing status for other seats, updated Monday by county clerk Tina Spencer are:


Mayor — Mike Hammann.

Council (2 seats): no filings.


Mayor — no filings.

Council (5 seats) — Shirley Flaming and Nancy Lorraine Wedel.


Mayor — no filings.

Florence Ward 1 Council (1 position) — no filings.

Florence Ward 2 Council (1 position) — Mark E. Slater.


Council (3 seats) — no filings.


Mayor — Lou Thurston

Ward 1 Council (1 seat) — Blake Beye

Ward 2 Council (1 seat) — Ronald Wilkins


Mayor — no filings.

Council (5 seats) — no filings.


Council (3 seats) — no filings.

lost springs

Mayor — no filings.

Council (5 seats) — no filings.


Mayor — Leslie Thouvenell.

Council (3 seats) — no filings.


Council (3 seats) — Paul Alcorn.


Mayor — no filing.

Council (2 seats) — no filings.


No one has filed for four seats on Centre school board.


No one has filed for four at larges seats on Peabody school board.


Position 1 — Justin Dameron.

Position 2 — no filings.

Position 3 — Amy Soyez.

Position 7 — Roman Hofer.


Positions 1,2,3,7 all at large — Jared Jost and Sarah Fenske.


No one has filed for four seats on Goessel school board.

improvement district no. 1 (eastshore)

Trustee (3 positions) — Cliff Hodson and Brad Gorsuch.

improvement district no. 2 (County lake)

Trustee (3 positions) — Kathryn Shockley, Ed Burnett, and Greg Wyatt.

improvement district no. 3 (pilsen)

No one has filed for three positions for improvement district no. 3.

chisholm trail extension district no. 20

No one has filed for two positions for Chisholm Trail Extension district no. 20.

After the filing deadline, the Record will attempt to talk to interview all candidates about what they see as most the most pressing issues.

Last modified May 18, 2023