60 years ago
FEB. 11, 1965
Some sort of virus has hit the Marion school system. According to a head count early this week, about 80 students were on the sick list.
Unexpected overnight patrons tonight at the Elgin Hotel are members of the famed Jimmy Dorsey Orchestra.
The 16 band members and their bus driver were en route to Lincoln, Nebraska, when in the midst of a blizzard their bus went out of control on US-56/77 south of Antelope and wound up in the ditch.
The bus was considerably damaged, but no occupant was seriously injured.
Ruth Elaine Hett is this year’s Betty Crocker homemaker of tomorrow for Marion High School and is eligible to compete for state and national scholarship awards.
Six eighth grade girls from Marion Elementary School will serve for a couple of days each as pages in the House of Representatives as a result of efforts by Senator William H. Ward and Representative Lawrence Slocombe.
The girls are Cathleen Costello, Beverly Hoch, Linda Oldham, Nancy Olsen, Jan VanBuren, and Pamela Weigart.
Last modified Feb. 6, 2025