• Last modified 76 days ago (Nov. 21, 2024)


nov. 28, 1879

They are boring for coal in Peabody. We hope they will find it but are skeptical. We probably never will have any confidence in such an undertaking until somebody starts to dig in Marion Centre.

The Record building is being “repaired” by erection of a stone addition.

Messrs. Buchanan and Shambaugh are enclosing their residences in neat picket fences.

Mr. Jex’s fine new stone building will be occupied by Stanford and Son for a drugstore. It is said that they intend to fit up one of the handsomest drugstores in central Kansas.

Isaac Kuhn of Clear Creek informs us that he has gathered 1,976 bushels of corn from 24 acres, or an average yield of more than 83 bushels.

Nettie Hoops is clerking in Mr. Salisbury’s store. We are heartily in favor of this kind of woman’s rights. Give the ladies an equal chance with gentlemen in all the honorable vocations of life and give them as good pay as men when they deserve it.

Cronkite and Dunham are in town “rodding” the residences of S.T. Howe, John Musick, and E.N. Eby.

Last modified Nov. 21, 2024