• Last modified 75 days ago (Oct. 31, 2024)


NOV. 7, 1879

Will Bates soon will move his peanut stand to his new building on the corner of Main and 3rd Sts.

The depot in Marion Centre is in harmony with all the other railroad property here — of the best kind.

Town lots are still going like hot cakes.

Our worthy town marshal, James McAlister, has built a new residence east of the calaboose.

A.B. Salisbury has purchased the John Mehl stock of goods and will sell them out at the old stand.

M.F. Shupe and Isaac Good have formed a partnership and will engage in the real estate and loan business.

T.M. Hosea of Clear Creek brought us last week some of the finest sweet potatoes and beets we have seen or tasted.

One of the sweet potatoes weighed 5½ pounds. These vegetables all grew on upland that “don’t produce anything,” and this wasn’t a good year for vegetables, either.

Winter approaches, and the goose-bone-corn-husk weather prognosticators are getting in their work. They say it is going to be a very cold, wet, warm, dry, disagreeable, pleasant winter.

Last modified Oct. 31, 2024