• Last modified 177 days ago (July 31, 2024)


aug. 13, 1914

Sometime Sunday night, someone broke the big plate glass at the front of the Red Cross Pharmacy, and reaching through the opening took a watch, a necklace, and a diamond ring that were on display there in connection with a big contest the store is putting on.

Many Marion people have relatives in the European armies now in the field. Carl C. Ehrlich has several cousins in the Russian army, and Mr. Mehlinger has two brothers in that army.

The Ehrlich family went from Germany to Russia about 130 years ago, at the time of the “100 Years Treaty” between Russia and Germany. At the expiration of the 100 years, some of them came to this country.

According to the terms of the treaty, German families moving from Germany to Russia were to be exempt from military service for 100 years. This was done by Russia to promote the settling up of certain parts of the country.

Misses Eva and Minnie Towner gave a boating and breakfast party Friday morning for their friend, Miss Marie Troutman of Emporia.

Mr. and Mrs. James Carter and family expect to leave next week for a visit at Mr. Carter’s boyhood home in Illinois. He has not been there since he was 10 years old and of course is expecting a great time visiting around the old places.

The C.I. girls had a picnic supper in the park Tuesday evening. They had five courses of fried chicken, and they haven’t cheeped since.

Last modified July 31, 2024