July 19, 1928
E.J. Ross, a traveling salesman of Winfield, was the victim of holdup men near Cedar Point Sunday evening. The two well-dressed young men took possession of his car, robbed him of nearly $100, and proceeded to bind his hands with a necktie they took from him. After discussing disposing of him by "bumping him off" and dumping him in the river, they finally settled on locking him in a box car in Strong City. He finally managed to untie himself and open the box car the next morning as the train began to move. In his anxiety to get out of the car, he fell to the ground and rolled beneath a car on an adjoining track. He narrowly missed losing a hand which was flung out under the wheels of the slowly moving car and slightly crushed.
JULY 23, 1897
In a week, if favorable reports continue from the Klondike, Kansas will have a fair delegation making ready to invade the new diggings. Men who can not get away themselves are already figuring on staking somebody who can. Pools are being formed to stand-out prospectors. Men without means are scheming to raise enough to start for Alaska — the gold fever is in the air.
The North American Trading Company is receiving hundreds of letters asking information about the Alaskan gold fields. It is said "The boats which sail this month are full, every passage taken. The journey is 7,000 miles. They don't realize what Alaska is, what the Yukon is. The Yukon Territory is as large as the whole United States east of the Mississippi; and it is longer to get there than a trip to Europe. The expense of getting from Chicago to Seattle is $60 and from Seattle to the Bering Sea is $150."