

MARCH 16, 1978

Three local young men participated in their first cycle race of the season. It was held at Happy Hills Cycle Track at Hillsboro on Sunday, March 12. Ronnie Hardey won second place in the Junior 125 Class. Doug Hague won second place in the Junior 250 Class. Craig Shanklin won first place in the 80 Class. All three won trophies for their accomplishments.

Mr. and Mrs. David Crofoot recently returned from an eight-day trip to Jamaica. They accompanied four other couples from Western Associates who had won the trip.


MARCH 19, 1953

The spring program of the vocal music department was directed by Miss Janet Yoder and Glenn Peak Thursday night at the high school auditorium. Members of the brass quartet were Mildred Waner, Betty Sellers, Leroy Roberts, and Jim Rotz. They played "With a Song in My Heart" by Rodgers. The woodwind trio consisting of Charlene Larkin, Joyce Sue Roberts, and Rhonda Rath played "Bagatette" by Walker.

The annual St. Patrick's Day shoot held in Florence last Sunday attracted a large number of entrants from around the state and more man 50 entered the contest. Trophies were awarded to the winners.


MARCH 15, 1928

The results of the choice made in the selection of a town flower was five to one in favor of the petunia. This flower will be planted in prominent places in all yards. Merchants are asked to cooperate in this project by displaying pots or boxes of petunias in front of their business houses.

The people of Florence, Burns, and Peabody witnessed one of the new and novel methods of advertising last Saturday when Postmaster Brindley of Peabody flew over the towns in his airplane and dropped bills advertising the feature picture which was shown at the Mayflower in Florence on Monday and Tuesday. The film was "Now We're in the Air."


MARCH 19, 1897

A Greenwood County Justice who was goaded by an attorney said: "Court's adjourned. Mr. Attorney, you are a scoundrel liar. Court's in session."

Marion is annoyed with burglars like all the rest of our towns. Sunday night burglars broke into Henry Siebert's hardware store and cracked his safe, securing about $35. The explosion broke out the large front window glass.
