MARCH 9, 1978
Wichita East High School department of the performing arts will present the "Fiddler on the Roof" on March 9 and 11. Don Mann will be one of the performers.
There will be a PRIDE meeting March 14 at the Chamber of Commerce building. At this meeting, work will begin on all the services/activities that we'll provide during the Flint Hills Bent Rims Motorcycle Grand Prix in May. The Grand Prix we'll give us a chance to promote our town. Let's do it up right.
MARCH 12, 1953
The Florence Gun Club will hold a St. Patrick's Day shoot next Sunday, March 15, at the gun club grounds northeast of Florence. This is an annual affair and is a registered shoot and a large crowd from all over Kansas is expected.
At the meeting of the Chamber of Commerce it was decided to take the football and basketball boys to Manhattan to the State Class AA and A basketball tournament March 19. It was also decided that a city-wide caucus would be called for Monday night, March 23. Everyone is invited to this caucus which is being held for the purpose of nominating one or more tickets for the city and school election.
MARCH 8, 1928
The subject of a town flower will be participated in by the entire community. The civic committee of the city Federation of Women's Clubs has presented two choices to the people who will determine the final choice. The Xenia and Petunia are easily grown and cultivated and well adapted to both climate and soil. It is the plan to use the town flower in every yard and have them grown extensively along the highways and the city.
T.W. Allison of Florence has been appointed a member of the state YMCA council to represent Florence in the affairs of the state YMCA. Mr. Allison will have information regarding state conferences and boys camps.
MARCH 12, 1897
From Macon, M0. — In a quarrel this morning between councilman Garry and electrician John Rogers over Rogers wages, Garry drew and attempted to use a slingshot, when Rogers, with his fists, badly beat Garry on the face and head. Rogers was fined $9 for fighting. Rogers now declares he will at once prosecute councilman Garry for carrying a slingshot.
From New York — The Tammany Hall general committee met last night and indicated the lines on which Tammany will wage its battle for the control of Greater New York by adopting resolutions arraigning the police department in the bitterest terms for official malfeasance.