Wonsevu news
Contributing writer
Denise Lang went to lunch with Jessica Lang Thursday in Cottonwood Falls.
Tuesday evening John Lang and Johnny went to the basketball game at Admire. Johnny was one of the players.
We wish Jimmy Santiago a speedy recovery. John Lang was happy to report Jimmy is back home from the hospital.
Sunday dinner guest of Bill and Margie Williams was their grandson, Carl Williams of Manhattan.
Saturday evening Bill and Margie and Hazel Clothier met Jean Everett for supper and visiting in Florence.
Hazel Clothier had lunch Friday in Florence with her daughter, Teresa Hill, and Joyce Hett, both of Marion.
Roy and Bev Reynolds went to their son's home, Kevin Reynolds and family, for Thanksgiving in Madison, Ala.
Bev Reynolds, Margie Jackson, Georgia Lalouette, Lowella Harshman, Joan Thompson, and Louise Shumate attended a special program at Trinity United Methodist Church in El Dorado. The church choir sang carols. They had a play which Bev said was real nice.
Congratulations to Roger and Teena on the birth of their twins, Nathan Dean and Natalie Diane. Congratulations to the grandparents.
Patti Mitchell and Amy attended the 4-H cooking class at Community Church in Cedar Point. They made Christmas cookies.
Jack and Patti Mitchell, Josh and Amy attended a Christmas party Saturday evening for the International Club in Halstead.
Patti and Amy attended the 4-H Christmas party enjoying a potluck supper and gift exchange at Florence.
Have a good week.