Wonsevu news


Contributing writer

Friday overnight guests of Roy and Bev Reynolds were Bonnie Caringer and Jan Beaty of Oklahoma City. Bev accompanied them to El Dorado Saturday to spend the day. Later, Bev returned to Oklahoma City with them. She came home Wednesday.

Monday afternoon visitors of Margie Williams were Denise and Jaimie Lang. Jaimie and a friend were Sunday morning visitors.

Sunday dinner guests of Bill and Margie were Gary Williams, Carl and Becca Williams, and Will and Elliot Soyez.

Bill and Margie attended the 50th wedding anniversary celebration Sunday afternoon for Ron and Dorene Kirkpatrick at the Burns Community Building. We extend congratulations to Ron and Dorene, wishing them many more.

Sharon Smith said she has been enjoying camp at Camp Wood this past week. There are so many different things going on.

Julia Smith had great success with her projects at the fair at Cottonwood Falls. Congratulations!

Doni Rogers visited Margaret Morgan of Burns one day this past week.

Doni attended a birthday party Friday evening for Nick Morgan at his home at Burns. His parents, Rodney and Robin and brother Josh also helped Nick celebrate his 13th birthday. Happy birthday and many more.

Everett and Janet Cress took Hunter with them to a Kenneth Hagen camp meeting at Tulsa, Okla., Friday and Saturday. On their way home Sunday, Everett had to stop at the antique store at Dewey, Okla.

Last week's news

Dorene Kirkpatrick and Cindy Holt hosted a birthday celebration for Evelyn Sidener Thursday at Town and Country Café in Florence. Those joining Cindy and Dorene to help Evelyn celebrate her 80th birthday were Kathleen Brenzikofer, Marie Holtsclaw, Joyce Kyle, LaVonne Ammeter, Bev Morgan, Doni Rogers, Twylah Nightengale, Margaret Morgan, and Margie Williams. Cindy made Evelyn a beautiful birthday cake and she received several gifts. Everyone enjoyed a time of visiting.

Everett and Janet Cress were playing catch-up Sunday evening with birthday celebrations. Those present were Montana and Hunter Cress of Cedar Point, Sheliah and Roger Gulick of Wichita, Shawna and David Goodwin, Ethan and Ben of Douglass, Shannon and Randy Foster, Ryan and Ruby of Newton, and Kylee and Keen Ownbey of Hutchinson.

Linda Britton of Florence was a Wednesday afternoon visitor of Hazel Clothier.

Hazel and Lenore Smith of Florence went to the hog roast and cookout at Burns Saturday evening. She reports it was really good.

Doni Rogers attended the barbecue in Burns Saturday evening and enjoyed all the good food.

Saturday and Sunday dinner guests of Bill and Margie Williams were Carl and Becca Williams of Wamego.

John and Denise Lang, Johnny and Jaimie went to the dog track Sunday. They ate lunch out and enjoyed the family outing.
