Wonsevu news


Contributing writer

Jessica Maddox of Strong City visited Denise, Jaimie, and Johnny Lang Friday afternoon.

Jaimie Lang went to Strong City and spent Sunday with Jessica.

Jaimie and Denise Lang visited Margie Williams Sunday afternoon.

Hazel Clothier met her daughter, Teresa Hill, at the Chuck Wagon in Florence Friday for dinner. Later, Hazel visited Larry and Thelma Blosser at Marion.

Everett and Janet Cress visited Shannon and Randy Foster in Newton Sunday afternoon.

Bill and Margie Williams and Gary spent a week in El Dorado and Little Rock, Ark., with Thelma Thigpen and family. We returned home Tuesday. We saw lots of iced-over trees on our way to Arkansas.

Hazel Clothier and Bill and Margie ate supper Saturday evening at Town and Country Café in Florence.
