Contributing writer
"Well, how do you like your new hearing aid?" asked the doctor.
"I like it great. I've heard sounds in the last few weeks I didn't know existed."
"Well, how does your family like your hearing aid?"
"Oh, nobody in my family knows I have it yet. Am I having a great time! I've changed my will three times in the last two months!"
— Quote of the week
Denise Lang and Jaime attended a jewelry party Saturday at the home of Jessica Lang.
Friday and Saturday guests of Everett and Janet Cress were Montana and Hunter Cress of Cedar Point.
Additional Saturday evening supper guests were Brandon and Carri Cress of Cedar Point. Montana and Hunter returned home with them. Shealah and Roger Gulick of El Dorado were additional supper guests.
Carl Williams of Wamego was a Sunday dinner guest of Bill and Margie Williams.
Bill and Margie were Friday evening supper guests of Hazel Clothier at Emporia.
Julia Smith is busy getting ready for college. She spent the weekend with her grandparents, Don and Erma Smith of Toronto.
Hazel Clothier met her daughter, Teresa Hill at Florence Friday for dinner. Kevin and Teresa Hill and Cassidy of Marion were Sunday dinner guests of Hazel's.