

Contributing writer

Lonnie and Sharon Smith's Sunday guests were Julia Smith, Justin, Sara, and Lane.

We extend happy birthday wishes to Doris Griffin for her 80th birthday. We wish her many more.

A friend of Doni's visited her last week. Brought her horse out and they had fun riding their horses.

Doni and Bernice Odle went to El Dorado Friday. They ate lunch at Jacob's Well. Bill and Margie Williams met Elizabeth Butcher of Emporia and Betty Chapter of Kansas City at the Golden Corral in Emporia Tuesday. Had a nice time of visiting.

Saturday dinner guest of Bill and Margie was our son Gary Williams. Sunday afternoon visitor was our grandson Carl Williams of Wamego.

Roy and Bev Reynolds went to Sterling Saturday, accompanied by Jacky Preston of El Dorado. They visited Sadie Goodwin and had lunch at the Sterling Café. On the way home they stopped at Hutchinson and visited Doug Goodwin and family and Bev's cousin from Phoenix, Ariz., Jerry and Terri Goodwin.

Sunday visitors of Bev and Roy were Bonnie Carinder and Jan Beaty of Oklahoma City.

Hazel Clothier ate lunch Wednesday with Cecilia Gayle at the Pizza Hut in Marion.

Everett and Janet Cress and Jeanice Miller went to Wichita Wednesday.

Saturday visitors and supper guests were Brandon, Montana, and Hunter of Cedar Point.

Sunday dinner guests were Brandon, Montana, and Hunter of Cedar Point. Montana and Hunter remained to spend the night.

Have a good week!
