

Contributing writer

April 9-15

We extend get-well wishes to Linda (Britton) Heath and Marge (Osgood) Albright at this time, wishing them a speedy recovery.

Hazel Clothier met her daughter, Teresa Hill of Marion at the Chuck Wagon in Florence Friday for dinner.

Hazel attended the luncheon Wednesday at Carriage Manor in Florence.

Denise Lang, Margaret Morgan, and Margie Williams enjoyed lunch Saturday in Emporia. They also caught up on visiting.

Gary Williams of Wichita was a Friday dinner guest of Bill and Margie Williams.

Carl Williams of Wamego was our Sunday dinner guest.

Jaimie Lang spent Saturday at Jessica Maddox's.

Denise Lang and Jaimie went to a movie Sunday evening in Emporia.

Sarah Smith and Lane and Jonathon McClure of El Dorado were Sunday supper guests of Lonnie, Sharon, and Julia Smith.

April 2-8

On April 5, Bev Reynolds, Dolores Mann, Louise Shumate, and Jean Thompson went to Cottonwood Falls to the high school auditorium for a concert by Cowley County Community College jazz band and singers. Bev Reynold's grandson, Kelley Reynolds, plays in the band. He also accompanies the singers and plays guitar and sings.

Bev Reynolds spent the weekend in Leon with her daughter Kathy and Floyd Dowell. They went shopping while there and ate lunch and dinner out.

Denise Lang and Jaimie were shopping in Emporia Saturday and ate lunch there.

Sunday Denise, Johnny, and Jaimie Lang visited Jessica and Dustin Maddox in Strong City.

Wednesday dinner guest of Bill and Margie Williams was son Gary Williams of Wichita.

Wednesday afternoon Denise Lang visited Margie.

Sunday dinner guest was our grandson Carl Williams of Wamego.

Easter dinner guests of Bill and Margie were Gary Williams and Terry Bachier of Wichita, Carl Williams of Wamego, and Will, Gayla, Elliot, and Samantha Soyez of Florence.

Wednesday afternoon Hazel Clothier visited Lenore Smith in Florence.

Sunday afternoon she visited Pat and Mary Sauble.

Easter guests of Roy and Bev Reynolds were Kathy and Floyd Dowell of Leon.
