

Contributing writer

Patti Mitchell visited Doni Rogers and her houseguest, Bev Morgan during the week.

Amy Mitchell is enjoying track practice at school. Good luck, Amy.

Hazel Clothier went to Emporia with Larry and Thelma Blosser. They met Dorothy Ludwig of Emporia, enjoyed lunch together, and later they visited in Dorothy's home.

Hazel, Larry and Thelma Blosser, Jean Everett, and Marge Osgood got together Thursday for lunch at Town and Country in Florence.

Dinner guests of Bill and Margie Williams Thursday were Gary Williams and Terry Stienbacher of Wichita.

Denise Lang visited Margie Thursday afternoon.

Trent Heathman of Cottonwood Falls was a Friday overnight guest of Johnny Lang. Jamie Lang's Friday and Saturday overnight guest was Patent Smith, also of Cottonwood Falls.

Saturday supper guests of Bill and Margie Williams were Gary Williams, Carl Williams, and Becca Kukuk of Manhattan. Carl and Becca also were Sunday dinner guests.

Hazel Clothier visited Sunday morning with Bill and Margie. Later she had lunch out with Jean Everett.

John Lang, Jessica, Johnny, and Jamie enjoyed a fishing trip Sunday.
