Women's fair: Traditions spiced with thyme


PMSA promotion chairman

Peabody Main Street Association promotion committee invites all area women to bring their aprons and spend a fun-filled day at our next "How Does YOUR Garden Grow?" women's fair. No, we will not be putting you to work.

Quite the contrary.

From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 20, PMSA will host another event providing informative entertainment, serve a wonderful fall lunch, and provide a chance for lwomen to have some fun and spend "thyme" with friends.

The event will be held at the Peabody Senior Center and will feature speakers on traditions and transitions.

Marilyn Jones, queen historian, will present the history and transformation of kitchen gadgets. Lois Friensen will present unique and practical ways to set your holiday table inspiring new traditions. Plan on bringing/wearing your favorite apron to this event. You will be given the opportunity to share a special memory tied to your apron.

The keynote speaker is Susie Haver, "The Apron Lady." She was inspired by an exhibition of aprons and now has a collection of more than 130 aprons. Haver will share more than you ever thought there was to know about aprons. Don't miss the Concordia native who ties singing, story-telling, and "show and tell" into an entertaining program called "Aprons: The Great American Cover-Up."

A wonderful autumn meal of homemade soups, heavenly crescent rolls, and a savory salad will be served, followed by a very tempting chocolate cavity-maker cake drizzled with a delicate raspberry sauce.

As always, independent representatives will be in attendance and downtown merchants will be open. Be sure to stop in!

Registration is limited so sign up soon. A harvest orange brochure soon will be appearing in businesses around town. Be sure to complete the registration form on the inside of the brochure and return it to the Main Street office at 300 N. Walnut with the registration fee of $15.

Mark you calendars, tell your friends, and plan to spend a beautiful autumn day in downtown historic Peabody.

For more information about registration or having a booth contact Kristen Hooper at 620-983-2174 or by e-mail,

The "How Does YOUR Garden Grow?" Womens' Fair series is sponsored by Peabody Main Street Association a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
