Wind farms on hold
If any Marion County residents are looking into the possibility of wind farming don't get in too much of a hurry.
Noting more time was needed to study the issue, the Marion County Planning Commission approved a resolution last week asking county commissioners to impose a six-month moratorium on wind farms.
Commissioners unanimously approved the moratorium, which commenced Dec. 2, 2002. During that time, no conditional use permits in connection with wind turbine electric generating farms will be accepted or processed.
The moratorium is designed to give David Brazil, county zoning administrator, time to conduct a comprehensive review of the impact wind farms may have upon property within the county.
"There's lots of variables when it comes to land use," Brazil said, explaining the reason for the moratorium. "For one, there's a lot of ground utilized and the towers can stand anywhere between 200 and 300 feet tall."
The resolution states the study should develop "appropriate criteria for the location of such projects, if at all" and the "impact, if any, that such projects might have upon nearby properties."
Further, the resolution directs Brazil to prepare criteria to be considered when reviewing any possible future applications for such projects.
"I think renewable energy is a good thing," Brazil said. "There are appropriate places to develop, and some not so appropriate places."
Although Marion County has not had wind farm applications come through, Brazil said he has had inquiries.
"We want to make sure we have a good understanding of the issue," he said.
Also during last week's planning commission meeting, Brazil reviewed the county's comprehensive plan, regulations, and bylaws.
Planning board members also were updated regarding the number of building permits, and other applications reviewed by the zoning office in 2002. Those numbers were shared with county commissioners during a meeting several weeks ago