Week filled with visits, visitors

by LaVonne Ammeter

Contributing writer

Maude Gaines and LaVonne Ammeter went to Marion Monday morning to the eye doctor. They ate lunch at the Pizza Hut and visited in the afternoon at the home of LeRoy and Norma Riggs.

Ladies Aid met at LaVonne's Wednesday afternoon. Sherry Nightengale, Dorene Kirkpatrick, Maude Gaines, and LaVonne quilted. Adah and Carol Gilbert of Newton were visitors. Late afternoon visitors were Wanda Koehn and her daughter.

Maude Gaines and LaVonne went to Newton Thursday afternoon. Josh Clark called at the Ammeter home later that day.

Stan Ammeter and Steve Bishop were Thursday and Friday dinner guests of LaVonne. LaVonne was a Friday supper guest of Ronnie and Patti Gaines. Patti and LaVonne were decorating cakes.

Myron and Sally Ammeter of Grand Island, Neb., brought Sally's mom, Opal Craney back to Peabody late Friday evening and spent the night at the Ammeter farm. They left for home Saturday morning after breakfast.

LaVonne visited Maude Gaines Saturday morning. Don Gillet was a Saturday morning visitor.

Blaine Ammeter of Ellinwood arrived at LaVonne's Saturday morning. Stan Ammeter joined them for dinner and Stan and Blaine built fence all day. Blaine returned to Ellinwood later that evening.

LaVonne and Maude Gaines attended church on Sunday at Whitewater Center. They ate lunch at the Chuck Wagon in Florence and visited Elsie Tittle. They also attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Vernon and Florine Koehn at Eden Christian School. What a lovely celebration and wow — a lot of folks! Congratulations Vernon and Florine. LaVonne and Maude visited Ike and Marie Clark later in the afternoon.

We're grateful for the small amount of rain that fell early Sunday morning. Hopefully we will get some more soon.
