The following information has been filed in the Traffic Division of Marion County District Court:
Denice K. Bina, child passenger safety; fine and costs, $80.
Edward C. Black, official traffic control devices and failure to wear seat belt; fine and costs, $100.
Alison L. Burnett, speed; fine and costs, $222.
Daniel V. Catlin II, failure to yield; fine and costs, $120.
Philip T. Dean, speed; fine and costs, $126.
Melissa A. Degenstein, speed and failure to wear seat belt; fine and costs, $210.
Roger Epperly, speed; fine and costs, $150.
Victor Gutierrez, speed; fine and costs, $150.
James R. Hernandez, speed; fine and costs, $175.
Wendy L. Jost, speed; fine and costs, $126.
Shannon M. Lowry, speed; fine and costs, $120.
Angie L. Page, speed; fine and costs, $205.
Heston R. Parker, defective tail lamp; fine and costs, $90.
Gerald F. Spexarth, speed; fine and costs, $195.
James E. Wamser, speed; fine and costs, $159.