Super Swimmers finish second at league meet

Staff writer

Peabody Super Swimmers ended the season Saturday with a second-place finish in the league meet.

Host Lindsborg took the victory with a total of 404 points.

Peabody finished second with 343, and Hillsboro took third with 293 points.

Marion was fourth with 223.5, followed by Council Grove at 168, Abilene with 84.5, Solomon with 35 points, Hesston with 19, Herington with 17 points, and last-place Moundridge with four points.

"Our team gave us all they could under circumstances," head coach Laura Williams said. "It was a very long, hot meet and our kids did their very best. We are very proud of them."

Individual results:

eight-and-under girls

Alex Lewis - fly, eighth; back, tenth.

Alanis Bishop - breast, ninth; fly, thirteenth; free, twentieth.

Lexi Anderson - breast, eighth; free, twelfth; fly, fourteenth; back, fourteenth.

Mackenzie Young - free, eighth; back, eleventh; breast, fifteenth.

Free relay - fifth. Team members: Anderson, Bishop, Young, and Lewis.

Medley relay - fourth. Team members: Anderson, Bishop, Lewis, and Young.

eight-and-under boys

Tyler McCartney - fly, first; back, first; breast, first; free, second.

Braxton Kyle - breast, second; fly, fourth; free, fifth; back, eighth.

Nicholas Preheim - fly, third; free, third; breast, tenth; back, eleventh.

Free relay - first. Team members; McCartney (2), Preheim, and Kyle.

Medley relay - first. Team members: Kyle (2), McCartney, and Preheim.

nine-10 girls

Laci McCartney - fly, first; breast, first; free, second; IM, second.

Paige Lewis - fly, fourteenth; back, eighteenth; free, eighteenth.

Sedna Casper - breast, fourth; distance, twenty-first; back, twenty-fifth.

Breta Alstrom - breast, sixth; distance, seventeenth.

Ashley Weems - fly, thirteenth; back, fourteenth; free, fifteenth; IM, fifteenth.

Free relay A - first. Team members: McCartney (2), Weems, and Lewis.

Free relay B - thirteenth. Team members: Alstrom, Casper, Cierra Foth, and Kortney Foth.

Medley relay - third. Team members: Lewis, Casper, McCartney, and Weems.

nine-1o boys

Hunter Pickens - fly, first; back, second; free, fourth; distance, fourth.

Austin Savage - fly, sixth; IM, eighth; back, tenth.

Zach Preheim - back, fourth; distance, sixth; free, eighth; fly, fifteenth.

Christian Gard - breast, first; free, ninth.

Garret Schroeder - IM, sixth; breast, seventh.

Seth Topham - breast, third; distance, tenth.

Free relay A - third. Team members: Pickens (2), Gard, and Savage.

Free relay B - fifth. Team members: Preheim (2), Schroeder, and Topham.

Medley relay A - second. Team members: Pickens (2), Topham, and Savage.

Medley relay B - fourth. Team members: Preheim (2), Schroeder, and Gard.

11-12 girls

Embry Hodges - free, first; distance, third; back, third; fly, fourth.

Mikayla Winter - back, fourth; IM, sixth; fly, eighth; breast, ninth.

Kaitlyn Preheim - distance, fifth; back, sixth; free, eighth; fly, tenth.

Michaela Methvin - breast, fifth; IM, seventh; free, thirteenth.

Kristine Casepr - breast, fourteenth; distance, twenty-third.

Free relay - third. Team members: Preheim, Winter, Methvin, and Hodges.

Medley relay - second. Team members; Winter, Methvin, Preheim, and Hodges.

11-12 boys

Storm Pickens - free, first; IM, first; back, second; fly, second.

Brody Kyle - fly, fourth; IM, fifth; back, eighth; free, ninth.

Dylan Jones - fly, fifth; IM, eleventh; breast, eleventh.

Jordon Riggs - distance, fifth; free, fifth; breast, seventh.

Jason Wingert - breast, fifth.

Joseph Lopez - distance, fifteenth; back, nineteenth.

Trevor Foth - distance, eighth.

Free relay A - second. Team members: Riggs, Kyle, Foth, and Pickens.

Free relay B - fifth. Team members: Jones, Lopez, Wingert, and Harvey Hammann.

Medley relay - fourth. Team members: Kyle, Wingert, Jones, and Pickens.

13-14 girls

Traylee Woodruff - breast, fifth; IM, seventh; fly, eighth; free, eleventh.

Danielle Savage - back, fourth; IM, eighth; fly, eleventh; free, thirteenth.

Racheal Hamous - back, eleventh; distance, twelfth; breast, eighteenth; fly, nineteenth.

Julie Wedel - distance, fourth; free, fifth; breast, seventh; back, twelfth.

Free relay - fourth. Team members: Woodruff, Savage, Hamous, and Wedel.

Medley relay - fourth. Team members: Hamous, Woodruff, Savage, and Wedel.

13-14 boys

Seth Alstrom - breast, fourth; IM sixth; fly, seventh.

Jacob Simmonds - back, fourth; distance, eighth; free ninth.

Jordon Foth - breast, eleventh.

Sean Jones- IM, twelfth; breast, thirteenth.

Aaron Topham - back, eighth; IM, tenth; fly, eleventh.

Jake Middleton - free, fourth; distance, sixth; fly, tenth.

Caden Middleton - back, fifth; free, seventh.

Free relay A - second. Team members: Middleton, Simmonds, Topham, and Middleton.

Free relay B - fifth. Team members: Jones, Foth, Alstrom, and Garrett Weems.

Medley relay - fourth. Team members: Topham, Foth, Jones, and Weems.

15-18 girls

Sarah Williams - fly, first; back, first; breast, first; free, first; IM, first; distance, first.

Racquel Castillo - back, fifth; free, fifth; distance, sixth; fly, fourteenth; IM, fifteenth.

Gretchen Berns - fly, fourth; free, eleventh.

Kali Alstrom - breast, third; IM, thirteenth.

Kate Topham - breast, twelfth; back, sixteenth; distance, sixteenth.

Free relay - third. Team members: Castillo, Alstrom, Berns, and Williams.

Medley relay - first. Team members: Castillo, Alstrom, Berns, and Williams.

15-18 boys

Jesse Riggs - breast, second; fly, fourth; IM, fifth; distance, sixth; free, sixth.

Trevor Hamm - fly, eighth; back, eighth; IM, eighth; free, tenth.

Nathan Bishop - breast, eighth; fly, twelfth.

Marion Nava - free, eighth.

Jacob Yoder - back, tenth.

Adam Benson - IM, fourteenth.

Andrew Topham - back, ninth; distance, tenth; breast, eleventh.

Todd Woodruff - distance, seventh.

Free relay A - second. Team members: Nava, Woodruff, Hamm, and Riggs.

Free relay B - fourth. Team members: Topham, Benson, Yoder, and Bishop.

Medley relay A - third. Team members: Topham, Riggs, Bishop, and Hamm.

Medley relay B - fifth. Team members: Yoder, Woodruff, Benson, and Nava.
