See you there, then

Hope you all are planning to spend some quality time downtown Saturday for the "Bells, Boots, and Buggies" extravaganza. I have managed to avoid helping fold the brochures for this event, but Kristen Hooper, Peabody Main Street director, has snagged me leaving town several times in the past week or two and has handed over stacks of brochures to take to other communities. Her timing always is perfect. I dutifully carry the pamphlets.

Have you seen one? You should. Talk about a whole bunch of stuff to do for a day. The committee that put this together has spent some serious time trying to come up with an event for each one of you . . . and each member of your family to boot (yes, that was a pun).

First thing you need to do is get a pin. It will to get you into several of the events for nothing and others at a discount. Then you need to plan to hit the muffin bar at the HUB when it opens at 10 a.m. Saturday. Get yourself fortified with homemade muffins and juice or coffee. You then can probably spend most of the day downtown enjoying your community and some chances to do things you may never again get to do — like participating in or just watching the roping competition in Peabody Market parking lot. You really should see this. Businesses will be challenging one another for the best business ropers in the community. You go, Shreves!

You also can do your Christmas shopping, purchase dozens of Christmas cookies (and thus do your baking while not going anywhere near a cookie sheet), or visit with Father Christmas. Get your family together to view the Kansas State Historical Society's traveling trunk show of cowboy boots (I would like to meet the person who dreamed this up), have a family photo taken, go for an old-fashioned buggy ride, and enjoy the parade.

Talented people will create table scapes to give you decorating ideas for the season and there will be craft instructions for youngsters and adults. Games and races for children will show the kids what life was like on the prairie before computers, iPods, video games, or even television.

At 4 p.m. a parade led by three local cowboys, Norm Claassen, Lawrence McClure, and Don Rosine as parade marshals will wind down Walnut Street from the high school to the historic downtown district. You will be entertained by Peabody-Burns Junior High School Tomahawk band, Ft. Riley Mounted Color Guard, floats, horses, and a hefty gentleman dressed in red who will visit with your children and hear their wishes at the American Legion following the parade.

Who could ask for more?

Well, since you asked, there also will be a chuckwagon supper at the senior center featuring grub from the old cattle trail days fixed up for you by the magical cooking duo of Janet Post and Susan Marshall. Well, not really. I lied. Luckily for you I do not do cooking things. Not even in partnership with that kitchen wizard Janet Post. I will be serving or cleaning up or something. But you will enjoy her rendition of the cattle trail chuckwagon supper . . . those old cowpokes should have had it so good! (And it is cheaper with an event pin purchased in advance.)

And just to prove we aren't so stuffy, dusty, and historical that we can't enjoy a little modern entertainment as well, Peabody Lanes will cap off the night with Boot Scootin' Bowling . . . actually ye olde game of ten-pins.

So hightail it to one of the many local businesses with brochures and pins and figure out what y'all think ya might want to do come Saturday. Then, shucks, just go do it! Easy enough, ain't it?

I b'lieve it is.

