Ringler, McMillan visit Peabody


PMSA design chairman

August is generally considered to be the lazy month of summer when nothing much happens beyond watching the thermometer soar to incredible heights. And while we'll allow that the temperatures were indeed on the usual warmish side this past month in Peabody, we can say with some degree of endurance-related pride that we were far from lazy.

The Peabody Main Street Association hosted two seminars for the downtown property owners of our community.

Katrina Ringler of the Kansas State Historical Society toured the historic downtown district Aug. 14, accompanied by Marilyn Jones, president of the Peabody Historical Society and Kristen Hooper, Main Street director.

The purpose of Ringler's visit was twofold: to survey the buildings presently in the historic district and those that might be added to it, and to present a workshop on state and federal tax credits available for owners of historic properties in need of rehabilitation.

Her evening tax credit workshop was attended by eight representatives of downtown businesses or building owners. The information she presented was detailed and copies of the handout materials are available in the Main Street office for those who were unable to attend and would be interested in investigating the tax credit programs.

After Ringler's return to Topeka, she advised the Main Street Association and the Peabody Historical Society that the barn behind the Morgan House, Janetta's Hair Salon, and the north section of the senior center would be considered "contributing" resources within the historic district and thus eligible if the owners sought incentives or grants for rehabilitation work. She further advised that the Kansas State Historical Society recommended that the historic district description be amended to include the Art Moderne building (Marshall's Auction Warehouse) and Santa Fe Park.

For further information on Ringler's recommendations and/or the state and federal tax credit programs, contact Hooper at the Main Street office, 620-983-2174.

Peabody Main Street Association hosted a presentation Aug. 22 by Kansas Main Street architect Bruce McMillan, in partnership with the Kansas State Department of Commerce.

Seven members of the downtown business community attended the seminar that evening. McMillan shared with them an extremely detailed and highly tailored PowerPoint presentation on the architectural and structural needs of specific Peabody buildings, then opened the session to questions, answering each one in a thoughtful and well-considered manner.

McMillan's passion for the preservation of our historic buildings was evident and his specific recommendations for maintenance and repairs were much appreciated by those in attendance. He left a copy of his PowerPoint presentation in the community and offered the services of his office to any building owners interested in making the necessary preservation efforts.

For further information either of these programs, contact Hooper at the Main Street office, 620-983-2174.
