Rec commission ready to begin press box
Council members heard from Peabody-Burns Recreation Commission representatives Russ Busenitz and Jon Richstatter the recreation commission would like to begin construction on the baseball press box at city park.
Mayor Tom Schmidt reminded Busenitz and Richstatter the city's contribution to the press box will not be available until after Jan. 1.
"The money we budgeted for that will come out of next year's funds," said Schmidt.
Richstatter also reported on a request the rec commission had made to El Dorado Correction Facility for help with labor on the press box. The initial request by Richstatter was denied because of the high cost of fuel to transport prisoners.
After discussion council members were of the opinion that even with the cost of transporting the men from El Dorado, using prisoner labor would be a considerable savings over the estimate accompanying the proposal for building the press box.
Richstatter will contact prison officials again for more information.
Newly hired animal control officer Marvin Lirley was present to report on animal activity during his first month on the job.
Lirley said he had picked up 12 dogs, 16 cats, 13 opossums, and three raccoons. He has constructed a holding pen at his home and prepared packets of literature for persons interested in applying for a cattery license.
Lirley and council members discussed the possibility of having Florence veterinarian Brendan Kraus vaccinate domestic animals before releasing them to their owners if they are not wearing a Peabody city tag.
Discussion also was held about the city's obligation to define and handle cases of cruelty and inhumane treatment of domestic animals.
City administrator Jeff Benbrook will research the animal ordinance and report back to council next meeting.
In other business the council:
— approved a 45-day extension on the sewer project for Middlecreek Corp. The company will be unable to meet its completion deadline because of delays by Smoky Hill Construction.
— reviewed the first draft of the sewer project "punch list" (those items still to be addressed before the city signs off on the project.) An updated list will be mailed to property owners affected by the installation of the new sewer.
— heard from Westar Energy representative Jim Hoffman about increasing voltage service to the sewer line lift station. According to Hoffman Westar installed service as per the requirements of city engineer Al Reiss and has fulfilled its obligation to the city. Increasing voltage will cost the city an additional $1,700, but the project is stalled without it. Council members unanimously voted to use contingency funds to pay for the change. Hoffman said Westar will be able to make the change Thursday.
— voted against replacing the curb at 312 North Olive. However, council will place curb repair discussion on the agenda for the next budget meeting.
— approved application for a permit to drill a water well at 109 North Olive.
— tabled until a future meeting discussion and a decision for selecting a job evaluation process for police chief Jeff Pohlman and city administrator Jeff Benbrook.
— reviewed with health and safety officer Deb Buser a list of property owners notified about mowing violations and nuisance properties.
— approved resolution 092605-A, a policy to provide assistance to other counties, cities, and townships during disasters and resolution 092605-B establishing National Incident Management System to be used for planning, responding, recovery, and mitigation from disasters within the city.