Peabody Community Fund offers grant

Peabody Community Fund (PCF) is offering a grant for fall 2004. These funds can be directed for capital and/or operating projects that are targeted toward maintaining or improving Peabody. All fields of interest are eligible for consideration for the grant.

To be eligible the applying agency or organization must qualify as a 501c(3) entity under the Internal Revenue Service code. Management of the agency or organization should be in the hands of reliable, ethical, and experienced personnel.

All submissions are subject to the process, procedures, and policies of both Peabody Community Fund and Newton Community & Health Care Foundation.

It is anticipated that $300 will be available for allocation between Oct. 31 and Dec. 31. Since applications will be received from a number of organizations, please be specific with requests.

The grant application must be postmarked by Oct. 25. Upon review by the PCF Grants Committee additional information may be requested for clarification. Grant applications are available at the Peabody State Bank, Peabody City Building, and USD #398 Central Office.

Grant recipient will be announced Nov. 11 at the fall fund-raising event. Grant money will be disbursed upon completion of the project.
