Milton news
Contributing writer
Congratulations to Marvin and Sherol Nightengale on the birth of their new granddaughter, Sophia Lee Wilds, daughter of Brandon and Kristen Wilds of Chapin, S.C. The baby was born Oct. 18. She weighed 7 pounds 7 ounces and was 20 3/4 inches long. Grandparents are Mitch and Cathy Foote of Manhattan, Debbie Clark of Irmo, S.C., and Sam Wilds of Columbia, S.C. Great-grandparents are Marvin and Sherol Nightengale and the late Ron and Carol Foote.
Marvin and Sherol went to El Dorado Saturday to watch Laura and Casey Nightengale run in a cross country meet.
Ronnie and Patti Gaines met Ty and Kim Gaines and Brooke of Madison and Dusty Gaines of Wichita Saturday and they all enjoyed Walters' Pumpkin Patch.
Gunter and Sheila Liebherr of Andover called on Lawrence and Lois Sayers late Saturday evening. Sheila and Lois are cousins.
James Olberding, Kathleen Brenzikofer, Evelyn Sidener, and Joyce Kyle attended the annual meeting of the Senior Citizens of Marion County Thursday at Marion.
Kathleen Brenzikofer, Laverna Parrish, and Joyce Kyle attended the Wichita east district annual meeting Saturday in Augusta.
Bob and Becky Kyle and Brody hosted a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of Braxton's 11th birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hladik of Wichita, Marion and Carolyn Rowland of Peabody, Sherry Glover and Zach of Whitewater, Katy Henry, Baylor and Skylor of Wichita, Glenn and Betty Kyle, Dan and Robin Kyle, and Joyce Kyle.
The Eden Mennonite youth hosted a meal and singing program Saturday evening at the Burns Community Building. Those from this community attending were Al and Bonnie Plummer, Marvin and Sherol Nightengale, Ronnie and Patti Gaines, Lawrence and Lois Sayers, and Joyce Kyle.