Milton news


Contributing writer

First Mennonite Senior Fellowship was Tuesday evening at Burns Community Center. Attending were Pastor Arlyn Busentiz, the Rev. Elmer and Tina Reimer, Esther Stucky, David and Welma Thiesen, Dave and Esther Stucky, Howard and Darlene Goering, Phyllis Mitchell, Gene Obee, Mary Langenegger, and Joyce Kyle.

Ronnie and Patti Gaines and her mother, Esther Highfill, of Shiloh Manor were Friday evening supper guests of Kenny and Roma Koehn at Galva. Dusty Gaines was a Sunday dinner guest of his parents, Ronnie and Patti.

Sunday guests of Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Leroy and Norma Riggs of Marion.

Al and Bonnie Plummer spent Saturday to Sunday with Bonnie's mother, Florence Lambert, and her brother, Joe Lambert, at Norton.

Joyce Kyle attended a hospice meeting Thursday morning in Newton. She later called on Kathleen Brenzikofer. Kathleen is doing well.

Laverna Parrish and Joyce Kyle attended Marion County Senior Citizens board meeting Friday in Lehigh.

We are sorry to report that Kevin Jantz is in St. Francis hospital in Wichita having had surgery. He entered Saturday and is hoping to be released soon. Renferd and Wanda Koehn had Kaylee and Shauna stay with them Saturday and Sunday. Rose Isaac kept Jesse Sunday. We wish Kevin well.
