Milton news
Contributing writer
Al and Bonnie Plummer attended the graduation ceremony Saturday of their daughter, Shelby, from Butler Community College. Todd and Morgan Plummer of Rose Hill and Shelby's friend, Chris Jones of Wichita, also attended. Later, they all went out to eat.
Norma and Leroy Riggs of Marion called on Marvin and Sherol Nightengale Friday evening.
Bruce Sayers, Megan and Jessica and Lawrence and Lois Sayers left Thursday evening for Holt Summit, Mo., to attend the Friday wedding of Bruce's daughter, Sarah Ousley and Donald Hunt. The reception was held at the Holt Summit Winery. The Sayers returned home Saturday.
Ronnie and Patti Gaines had an exciting day Saturday. They went to Canton and picked up Patti's mother, Esther Highfill, and drove to Carey Park in Hutchinson. They celebrated the first birthday of Megan and Ashlie Koeh, twin daughters of Jeff and Jill Koehn. The girls are doing well.
Don and Laverna Parrish, Kathleen Brenzikofer, and Joyce Kyle attended the hospice volunteer banquet Thursday evening in Hesston.
Joyce Kyle and Mary Langenegger accompanied Glenn and Daytha Langenegger and Emily Friday to McPherson to the May Day parade. Amber marched in the band and it was great. In the evening, Joyce, Minamae Bierman, Kathleen Brenzikofer and her daughter, Charlotte Brosius of Las Vegas, attended the Cassoday Grade School program written by Barbara Anderson.
Joyce Kyle attended graduation receptions Sunday including a dinner in the home of Greg and Zeola Langenegger for their granddaughter, Staci Kasper, a reception for Jeconiah Spangler in Peabody, and a supper for Amber Langenegger at the home of her parents, Glenn and Daytha. Good luck to all the seniors.
Sunday dinner guests of Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen and Carolee were Nathan and Ella Koehn and Roland and Kim Koehn, Doug, Kayla, and Diana.
Margy Jantz and Lena Koehn of Newton brought Sunday dinner to the home of Vernon and Florine Koehn and Judy. Joining them for dinner were Marvin and Betty Schmidt and Arnold and Naomi Koehn.