Milton news
Contributing writer
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Sunday dinner guests of Brad and Diane Nightengale, Roger, Laura, and Casey in El Dorado. They celebrated Casey's 12th birthday.
Lawrence and Lois Sayers and her sister, Mary Archer of Cottonwood Falls went to Wichita Monday and called on their aunt, Ermal Bolack, at Sedgwick Apartments.
Lisa Livingston, Ryan and Morgan of Phoenix, Ariz., were weekend guests of Bruce and Sheila Sayers, Megan and Jessica. She also called on Lawrence and Lois. Saturday, Sandy Sayers of El Dorado came to visit with Lisa and her children.
Bert Zogelman and Joyce Kyle met Betty Snelling at a Marion eatery Thursday and enjoyed visiting. They later called on Minamae Bierman and Roseva McLinden at the assisted living apartments.
The icy conditions have kept most folks home. Maybe we'll see more sunshine.
Our sympathy to the family of Esther Highfill. She died Sunday evening.