Milton news


Contributing writer

Ronnie and Patti Gaines and Esther Highfill of Canton went to Galva Saturday to the home of Kenneth and Roma Koehn. They celebrated the second birthday of Connor Koehn, son of Shaun and Jean Koehn of Moscow. Dusty Gaines also was a guest.

Rose Forgy, Ryan and Melissa, Luana Isaac, and Bertha and Loretta Koehn were dinner guests Sunday of Ron and Paula Toews and family at Hillsboro.

Jim Gehring called on Joyce Kyle Tuesday afternoon.

Joyce Kyle, Greg and Zeola Langenegger, and grandson Matthew Newfield of Newton were dinner guests Sunday of Mary Langenegger. In the afternoon they all went to Newton Medical Center to welcome Lana Abigail Mayfield, new baby daughter of Justin and Staci Mayfield.
