

Contributing writer

Weekend guests of Ronnie and Patti Gaines were Kenny and Roma Koehn of Galva, Ty and Kim Gaines and Brooke of Madison, and Dusty Gaines of Wichita. Saturday evening the women attended the baby shower for Kim and Brooke at the Burns Community Center. Ronnie and Patti left for Madison Monday to spend three days with Ty, Kim, and Brooke.

Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Sunday dinner guests of Brad and Diane Nightengale, Roger, Laura, and Casey in El Dorado.

Sunday evening supper guests of Lawrence and Lois Sayers and Bruce, Megan, and Jessica Sayers were Jim Padgett, Sara, and Autumn of Florence. Joyce Kyle called later in the evening.

Rose Forgy, Melissa and Ryan and Luana Isaac left for Dumas Ark., July 27 to attend a Smith family reunion. They returned home Sunday. Rose and children called Tuesday evening on Don and Jan Schmidt near Eureka.

Kathleen Brenzikofer, Evelyn Sidener, and Joyce Kyle attended the Marion County Senior Citizens County Board Meeting Friday in Lehigh.

Saturday evening those enjoying a picnic at Harvey County Park were Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee, Royce and Rachel Koehn, Charity and Lanae of James Port, Mo., Simon and Jenny Survila of Hiawatha, Nathan and Ella Koehn, Roland and Kim Koehn, Doug, Kayla, and Diane, and Sharla Koehn of Burns. All but the Roland Koehn family and Sharla were Sunday dinner guests of the Renferd Koehn family.
