Contributing writer
Nov. 28-Dec. 5
Rose Forgy, Melissa and Ryan went to Butler, Mo., for the weekend to visit Jim and Ella Mae Isaac and other relatives.
Sunday dinner guests of Vernon, Florine, and Judy Koehn were Marvin and Erma Koehn of Monterrey, Tenn., Jake and Ruby Koehn, Harlan and Edna Koehn, Diane and Beverly, Bertha and Loretta Koehn, Luana Isaac, Susan and Joleen Kahn of Hillsboro, and Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee. Visitors after dinner were Carl and Gloria Koehn of Leland, Miss., and Chester and Arlene Koehn. Chester had been a patient in the hospital and we wish him well.
Bruce Sayers has been a patient at a Wichita hospital since Saturday. We wish him well.
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale attended the funeral of Marvin's cousin, Herman Nightengale Wednesday at Lone Tree Church, rural Galva. They went to El Dorado Tuesday evening to watch Casey Nightengale play basketball.
Joyce Kyle attended the First Mennonite Church Christmas banquet Saturday evening. The program was given by "Hearts 4 Him." Ronnie and Patti Gaines also attended. Dave Deutchendorf of Colorado, former counselor at Peabody, was a member of the group. He still has a wonderful bass voice.
Ronnie and Patti Gaines and Dusty Gaines of Wichita were guests of Ty and KimGaines and Brooke Sunday in Madison.