Contributing writer
Kevin Jantz returned home Thursday from the hospital. He is improving and glad to be home.
Patti Gaines took LaVonne Ammeter and Joyce Kyle to Trinity church in El Dorado Tuesday evening to attend a concert by Don (Chip) Winsor.
Ronnie and Patti picked up her mother, Esther Highfill, Friday evening and went to Kenny and Roma Koehn's home in Galva for supper.
Maude Gaines and Dusty Gaines were Sunday dinner guests of Ronnie and Patti.
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale went to El Dorado Saturday to watch their grandchildren, Roger and Laura Nightengale, run in a league meet. They both did well.
Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee, and Judy Koehn attended the wedding Sunday of Joe Koehn and Rebecca Schmidt.
Kathleen Brenzikofer and Joyce Kyle attended the funeral Monday of Carol Spangler Reimer in Newton. They called on Mary Langenegger in Newton Medical Center. She had hip surgery Wednesday and came home Tuesday.
Evelyn Sidener and Joyce Kyle attended the Heart to Heart conference Tuesday in Cottonwood Falls. Evelyn, Joyce, and Kathleen Brenzikofer attended the 44th annual meeting of Senior Citizens of Marion County in Goessel.
Jim and Beulah Gehring of Moundridge stopped by Joyce Kyle's Sunday evening and all went to the home of Mary Langenegger. Mary is doing well.
Bruce Sayers is in St. Francis hospital with a foot problem. Lawrence and Lois Sayers picked up Sandy Saturday in El Dorado and went to see Bruce. Lawrence, Lois, Sam, Megan, and Jessica, called on him Monday at the hospital.