Contributing writer
Megan and Jessica Sayers were Saturday overnight guests of their sister, Sara, in Florence.
Bruce and Sheila Sayers, Megan and Jessica were Sunday dinner guests of Lawrence and Lois Sayers. Afternoon guests were Dave and Shirley Smith, sister of Lawrence, of Wichita and their daughters, Diana Wimpel and daughter of Alaska and Amy and Dave Charles of Rose Hill.
Vernon and Florine Koehn and Judy were Sunday dinner guests of Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee.
Al and Bonnie Plummer left Tuesday for Las Cruces, N.M., to spend time with Al's sister and husband, Kay and Les Hall. They report a most enjoyable time.
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale went to El Dorado Saturday to watch their granddaughter, Laura Nightengale, in her track meet.
The First Mennonite Church senior fellowship was held Wednesday evening at the Burns community building. Attending were the Rev. Elmer and Tina Reimer, Ted and Lois Roth, Dave and Esther Stucky, Dan and Alice Stucky, Howard and Darlene Goering, David and Wilma Thiessen, Phyllis Mitchell, Gene Obee, Kathleen Brenzikofer, and Joyce Kyle.
Joyce Kyle called on Marie Clark Friday morning. Saturday she called at the home of Carol Callahan to visit with Samantha Gomez, Valen, and the new baby, Gabriel.