

Contributing writer

The community extends its sympathy to Josh and Ashley Wiebe on the death of his brother-in-law, Chris Harder.

Mary Archer of Cottonwood Falls called on Lawrence and Lois Sayers Thursday afternoon. Lois Sayers and Sandy Sayers shopped Saturday at Wichita.

Shelby Plummer was a Friday supper guest of her parents, Al and Bonnie Plummer. Bonnie cut Kathleen Brenzikofer's hair Monday at Newton Medical Center.

Ronnie and Patti Gaines went to Madison Friday and Saturday and cared for Brooke Gaines. They had dinner Sunday with Dusty Gaines at Wichita. They celebrated Patti's birthday.

Friday afternoon callers of Vernon, Florine, and Judy Koehn were Harry and Donna Claassen of DeRidder, La. Sunday afternoon visitors were Alvin and Marcella Koehn. Later, Vernon called on Jake and Ruby Koehn.

Marvin and Sherol Nightengale attended a track meet at Marion Friday to watch Laura Nightengale run. They went to Buhler Tuesday to watch Casey run.

Megan and Jessica Sayers called Wednesday afternoon on Joyce Kyle. She called on Kathleen Brenzikofer and Joan Berns Friday at Newton Medical Center.

Joyce Kyle went to the home of Pat and Mary Zogelman in Florence Saturday afternoon to help grandson Noah Gibbons, son of Christian and Lisa, celebrate his birthday. Others there were Sara Zogelman of Wichita, Krista Zogelman of Emporia, and Bert and Scott Zogelman.

We wish Bert Zogelman a speedy get well. She is in St. Luke Hospital, Marion.
