Contributing writer
March 27-April 2
Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee spent most of the week helping with wedding preparations for Wesley Koehn and Sara Schmidt.
Jenny Huls was a Saturday and overnight guest of Rose Forgy, Melissa and Ryan. They all attended the Koehn-Schmidt wedding Sunday.
Sunday dinner guests of Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Maude Gaines and Marie Clark. Monday afternoon callers were Leroy and Norma Riggs of Marion.
Lois Sayers attended a retreat Friday evening and Saturday at the Bible church at Peabody. The theme was "Loving Well."
Ronnie and Patti Gaines went to Wichita Sunday and had brunch with Dusty. They spent the afternoon visiting with him.
Vernon and Judy Koehn attended a dog meeting Wednesday at Eureka. Judy went to Salina Saturday for a meeting.
Joyce Kyle met cousins, Ron and Georganna Larkin of Georgetown, Texas, at Mom's Café in Burns Friday.