

Contributing writer

March 13-20

Ronnie and Patti Gaines attended a birthday supper Friday evening for Maude Gaines' 95th birthday at Arletta's. They met Ty and Kim Gaines and Brooke in Emporia and watched the St. Patrick's Day parade, then went on to Perry to the home of Troy and Sarah Abel and Hannah. They were overnight guests and the next day enjoyed celebrating Maude's birthday again with Shelley Harper of Inman, Ben Harper of Manhattan, Zach Harper of Lawrence, Ty and Brooke Gaines, Dusty Gaines, Jim and Sally Abel, Jean Gaines, Kevin and Kim Robb and boys, and Vickie and Richard Gantz and family. Brooke came home with Ronnie and Patti and was a guest until Wednesday evening when they took her home and were overnight guests.

The Clark siblings celebrated Maude's birthday Tuesday with a potluck dinner at Trinity church in El Dorado. Attending were Maude Gaines, Sal Matz, Marie Clark, Leroy and Norma Riggs, Bill and Marie Clark, Gordona nd Joan Clark, and Marvin and Sherry Nightengale.

Sandy Sayers and Lois Sayers were in Wichita Saturday.

Willie and Kathy Bender of Mifflinburg, Pa., arrived Friday evening at the home of her parents, Vernon and Florine Koehn and Judy. They had Sunday dinner at Vernon's and were joined by Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee, Kevin and Jan Jantz and children, Rose Forgy and children, and Luana Isaac. In the afternoon, Berth and Loretta visited. The group got together again Monday evening for supper.

Al and Bonnie Plummer went to Lawrence Friday to the home of Shelby Plummer. They went on to Kansas City and spent three days at the PBR Rodeo at Kemper Arena. They returned home Sunday evening.

Shelby came home Sunday to spend a few days during spring break.

Charisa Thiessen of Whitewater called on Ashley Wiebe one day last week. Lewis Wiebe, Josh's uncle, has been helping him do some work around the farm. Jacque Wiebe, Josh's mother, helped Ashley plant a garden.

James Olberding, Evelyn Sidener, and Joyce Kyle attended the Marion County Senior Citizens board meeting Friday at Tampa.
