Contributing writer
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale went to Augusta Friday evening to watch their granddaughter, Laura Nightengale play basketball. They went back Saturday afternoon to watch grandson, Casey Nightengale play.
Bruce Sayers, Megan and Jessica of Cassoday were Sunday dinner guests of Lawrence and Lois Sayers.
Eden Christian School students entertained their mothers Thursday evening with a supper and program for Valentine's Day. Rose Forgy was a guest.
Lawrence and Lois Sayers took supper to Vernon, Florine, and Judy Koehn Friday evening.
Luana Isaac and Melissa and Ryan Doyle honored Rose Forgy with a valentine dinner Sunday at Luana's home.
James Olberding, Evelyn Sidener, and Joyce Kyle attended the Marion County Senior Citizens board meeting Friday at Florence.
Evelyn Sidener and Joyce Kyle attended the 50th anniversary open house Sunday for Mick and Noreen Weems at Peabody United Methodist Church.
Congratulations to Josh and Ashley Wiebe on the birth of their baby boy, Seth Austin. Nice to have a new baby in the community