

Contributing writer

Feb. 6-13

Marvin and Sherol Nightengale were Sunday evening supper guests of Brad and Diane Nightengale, Roger, Laura, and Casey in El Dorado to celebrate Casey's 14th birthday.

Dusty Gaines of Wichita was a Sunday guest of his parents, Ronnie and Patti.

Al and Bonnie Plummer attended the Blue and Gold Banquet Saturday in El Dorado. Grandson Austin Bidwell became a Boy Scout.

Al and Bonnie attended the Lions Club banquet Monday evening at Arletta's Catering.

Nathan and Ella Koehn were Sunday dinner guests of Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie, Dalen, and Carolee.

Rose Forgy, Melissa and Ryan were Sunday dinner guests of Ron and Cynthia Koehn, Alan, Justin, and Beth. In the evening, they attended the Eden young couple's supper at Eden Christian School.

Joyce Kyle went to Newton Friday to visit Kathleen Brenzikofer at the home of her son, Greg.

Joyce Kyle attended Burns senior citizens' dinner Tuesday. A nice group attended.
