Contributing writer
We extend our sympathy to the family of Chester Koehn. The funeral was Tuesday at Eden Mennonite Church. Attending were Vernon and Judy Koehn and Renferd and Wanda Koehn and Lonnie. Joyce Kyle and Mary Langenegger attended, then went to senior citizens' meeting.
Nathan and Ella Koehn were Sunday dinner guests of Renferd and Wanda Koehn, Lonnie and Carolee. In the evening, the Eden youth group met at their home for singing and visiting.
Rose Forgy, Melissa and Ryan called on Joyce Kyle Saturday afternoon. Ryan wanted me to have some cookies they had made. Very special.
Ronnie and Patti Gaines met Ty and Kim Gaines and Brooke of Madison Sunday at the home of Dusty Gaines at Wichita. They all went out to eat to celebrate Dusty's birthday. Ronnie and Patti babysat with Brooke while the others went shopping.
Bonnie Plummer stopped by Aiden Bidwell's home in El Dorado to leave a birthday gift for his sixth birthday. The children had been ill.
Marvin and Sherol Nightengale watched Laura Nightengale play basketball Friday evening at El Dorado and Saturday at Abilene.
Bruce Sayers Megan and Jessica of Cassoday were Sunday dinner guests of Lawrence and Lois Sayers.
Joyce Kyle accompanied Doni Rogers to Newton Friday to call on Kathleen Brenzikofer at Newton Medical Center. She is doing much better.