Mayesville News

(Editor's note: The Mayesville social columnist has agreed to come out of retirement and share, once again, the activities of the folks in Peabody's suburb. Watch this page for the occasional Mayesville update.)

The Mayesville social season has hit a slump after a great beginning with two surprise parties.

The first was the one Marilyn Jones threw for Gary's umpteenth birthday. Several Mayesvillians and hangers-out went to Cowboy Jack's for a hayride and barbecue feast on Gary's birthday. They were entertained under the trees by western stories and songs.

Not to be outdone, when Marilyn's birthday came around for the 70-something time, Gary invited about the same group to a surprise dinner at Arletta's Catering in Burns.

After the dinner, the company walked off the comfort food and peanut butter pie by walking around Arletta's famous garden.

"It's not the best," said Arletta. Even not at its best, it looked better than hers, grumbled Prunella.

After the garden tour, some of the folks went on sightseeing trips around Burns, checking out the roosters.

"It's the rooster who crows, and the hen who delivers the goods," the men in the group were reminded.

Folks were too full to have the usual dance around the Bell House in Mayesville.

This past Saturday, visitors to Mayesville were former residents Michael Totty and Lina Braun-Totty. Michael is now bureau chief and columnist for the Wall Street Journal. Lina is attending KU. The Tottys visited Pat Ketchum, then took a drive around Mayesville, enjoying the sights and noticing the changes since they lived there. They later had lunch at Sharon's Korner Kitchen in Peabody before leaving for Oklahoma City.

Now that Marilyn and Gary have tied for "most host" honors, other Mayesville folks are talking about restarting familiar Mayesville events of the old days.

First on the ticket is Doyle Creek Water Carnival, slated for sometime next summer.
