Jail bookings
The following individuals were arrested and booked into Marion County Jail:
Kent Rich, 50, Marion, failure to appear, driving under influence, driving while license suspended, and driving left of center.
Anthony Shaffer, 18, McPherson, revoke probation.
William Thompson, 51, Florence, driving under influence and having open container.
Philip Ascher, 55, Smolan, driving under influence while operating a boat.
Tiffany Troutt, 27, Lost Springs, 48-hour court commitment.
Jerald Hamm, 37, Newton, driving under influence and speeding.
April Brooks, 30, Tampa, two charges of failure to appear.
Tyrone Vondal, 27, Marion, revoke probation.
Marion County Record |
Hillsboro Star-Journal |
Peabody Gazette-Bulletin |