Florence personals

Dec. 15-21

Mary Jane Grimmett attended her granddaughter, Bethany Grimmett's, Stepping Stone Preschool Christmas program Monday at Valley United Methodist Church. Also attending were Tyson and Melanie Grimmett and Heidi.

Betty Ireland attended the Marion County Department for Elderly meeting Friday at Hillsboro Senior Center. She also visited Darlene Schmidt.

Jennifer Wyss and Gage Branson of Marion visited Thursday with Richard and Lucille Wyss.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Marion were Saturday evening visitors of Ronald and Kathleen Ludwig.

Travis Wyss, who is teaching school in Venezuela this year, visited Sunday with his grandparents, Richard and Lucille Wyss.

Cody and Corin Parmley of Cedar Point visited Friday evening with their grandparents, Tim and Janette Parmley.
