Florence personals


Contributing writer

Greg Davidson left Sunday for Ann Arbor, Mich. He had been visiting his grandparents, Ray and Eleanor Davidson. Sunday dinner guests of Ray and Eleanor were Jeff and Grant Davidson of Eureka.

John and Arletta Everett and Tom of Cedar Vale were Sunday dinner guests of Jean Everett. Additional morning visitors were Tyson and Melanie Grimmett, Bethany and Heidi of Marion, and Mary Jane Grimmett.

Mrs. Richard Buchanan and Laura and Mrs. Brian Robert, all of Mulvane, called on Betty Ireland Friday.

Don and Twylah Nightengale visited Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Stuckey in Newton. Other guests were Frank and Emmy Midkaff. They also visited with Harold and Chloe Triggs.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor of Marion were Sunday evening visitors of Ronald and Kathleen Ludwig.

Betty Ireland visited last Wednesday through Saturday with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ireland and his family in Topeka.

Saturday supper guests of Don and Twylah Nightengale were Frank and Emmy Midkaff of Newton.

Bill Philo of Corsicana, Texas, was a Tuesday morning visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Zook and Beki.
