Deeds recorded

The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Thomas D. White, executor to Katherine Goree et al, executor's deed; N/2, 26-21-5.

Ronald Barkley and wife to Foye E. Lovelady and wife, WD; Lot 20, Wildin's Addn., Marion County Park and Lake.

American General Finance, Inc. to Glenn Thiessen et al, WD; Lot 4, Blk. 3, Bushman's Addn., Hillsboro.

City of Marion to David J. Yates, WD; Lot 4 and E 20' of Lot 6, Harris Heights Addn., Marion.

James C. Beach and wife to Theresa Carroll et al, WD; N 50' of Lot 1, Blk. 23, Southern Addn., Marion.

Gerald H. Nickel and wife to Brian T. Nickel et al, WD; S/2 S/2 SE/4, 4-20-1.

Monty C. Cruse Jr. to Bartholomew M. Peace and wife, WD; Lot 4 and W/2 Lot 5, Zeller's Second Subdivision, Marion Park and Lake and W/2 Lot 7 and Lot 8, Echo Lane Subdivision, Marion County Park and Lake.
