The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:
Kevin L. Lehrman and wife to Kerry Rosfeld et al, WD; pt. NE/4, NW/4, 8-21-1.
Commercial Federal Mortgage to Ron Funk, WD; E 90 feet Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 3, Riesen's Addition, Hillsboro.
Community Gospel Church to Michael J. Regnier and wife, WD; pt. SE/4, 32-19-4.
Kevin D. Pankratz and wife to Marketplace Resources LLC, WD; pt. Lot 8, all Lots 9 and 10, and pt. Lot 11, Blk. 11, Original Town, Hillsboro.
Brent A. Boyer and wife to Denny P. Stapleton et al, WD; W 75' Lots 15 and 16, Blk. 7, Billings and Bowers Addition, Marion.
Ruth Venn et al to Vernon Lutz, WD; Lots 9, 11, and 13, Olive Street South, Peabody.
Larry D. Loomis and wife to Max D. Hayen and wife, WD; pt. NW/4 SE/4, 5-20-4.
Eugene Ecklund et al to Jean Ecklund et al, trustees, WD; NW/4, 15-18-5.
Eugene Ecklund and wife to Jean Ecklund et al, trustees, QCD; pt. SE/4, 2-18-4.
Eugene Ecklund and wife to Eugene Ecklund et al, trustees, QCD; pt. SE/4, 2-18-4, und. 1/2 interest.
Ronald R. Matz and wife to Ronald R. Matz and Darlene M. Matz revocable trust, WD; S/2 NE/4, 3-19-1.
Commercial Federal Bank to Caw Investments Inc., WD; pt. SW/4, 19-19-1.
Jerry Plett and wife to Terry A. Nelson and wife, WD; E/2 SW/4 and SW/4 SE/4 and SW/4 SW/4 exc., 36-18-4.
Vern Schroeder and wife to Vern Schroeder trustee, QCD; pt. NE/4, 21-20-1; pt. N/2 S/2, 20-20-1; und. 35/80 interest E/2 NE/4, 22-19-1; pt. S/2, 21-20-1.
Melvin E. Krause and wife to Kenneth J. Shields trustee, WD; N/2 NE/4, 7-18-5.
Mark A. Martens and wife to Richard B. Morris trustee, WD; SE/4, 13-19-1.